December 26, 2012

[Release] EArTh Chapter 21

EArTh Chapter 21: MF
EArTh Volume 3: MF

Surprise, yesterday's release were a bonus for Christmas, and this is our actual weekly release! And yes, this picture also links to MF for high-res goodness.

With this, volume 3 of EArTh is now finished. Now there's only 1 volume left for EArTh. See you next year!

EDIT1: Changed some texts on page 18 and 19 to make it flow better in the latter chapters, the individual edited pages is here:

I'll update the .rar files later on.

EDIT2: MF links updated.

December 25, 2012

[Release] Gokicha!! (2012-01)

Gokicha!! (2012-01): MF

Merry Christmas!
Santa has come and brought another chapter of Gokicha!! for everybody!

December 18, 2012

[Release] Gokicha!! (2011-12)

Gokicha!! (2011-12): MF

Another chapter of everyone's beloved cockroach!

December 12, 2012

[Release] EArTh Chapter 20

EArTh Chapter 20: MF

Well, I said there might not be a release for this week, but here it is.
By the way, this picture is in high-resolution, and I don't include it in the .rar file.
Have fun reading!

EDIT1: It seems blogspot automatically compressed the picture into a 1600 pixels height dimension, I'll upload it somewhere else later when I got back home.

EDIT2: The picture now links to Mediafire.

December 05, 2012

[Release] Gokicha!! (2011-11)

Gokicha!! (2011-11): MF

There might not be any releases for the next week, since I'll be having exams (and it's pretty hectic). Hopefully I can still manage to finish any chapter of Gokicha!! and/or EArTh, though.
For now, have another chapter from the cutest cockroach ever!