February 27, 2013

[Release] Gokicha!! Chapter 05

Gokicha!! Chapter 05: MF

Just 3 more chapters before volume 1 is finished!
And here's the "bonus" pages that aren't available on the magazine scans, here we go:

Chapter 04 (2011-05) Chapter 07 (2011-11) Chapter 11 (2012-03)
Gokicha!!_v01_c07_009 Gokicha!!_v01_c07_010
Gokicha!!_v01_c11_009 Gokicha!!_v01_c11_010

February 20, 2013

[Release] EArTh Chapter 24

EArTh Chapter 24: MF

Slowly, we're getting near the end of the EArTh series, and Button found a really well done MAD video on niconico. This particular video is apparently pretty spoileriffic, so watch it on your own discretion!

Concerning the previous post, I've asked around about the font to my friends and /a/, and most people prefers the original size rather than the stretched one. So starting from this chapter we're using the original un-stretched font.

Also, just to add. We're interested in working on Petit-tan (Baka-Updates), and we'll get on it after EArTh is finished. Look forward to it!

【MAD】エアリセ -E.A.r.T.h- 「十五夜ウサギと月への軌道」
EArTh MAD - The Rabbit of the Fifteenth Night and the Path to Heaven



February 18, 2013

A Stupid Little Mistake

All these months, and I've only just realized that almost all the fonts I've used in scanlating these are accidentally stretched a bit to the side, making the font kind of wider than normal (18% wider).

Here's some sample pages with the usual wider font in it, and another with the original font width:



Before I change the pages I've already completed for our future releases, which do you guys like better? The left one, or the right one?

TL;DR: Left or Right, which one is better?

February 13, 2013

[Release] Gokicha!! Chapter 02

Gokicha!! Chapter 02: MF

Another chapter of the adorable cockroach, Gokicha!

February 06, 2013

[Release] Gokicha!! Chapter 01

Gokicha!! Chapter 01: MF

The very first chapter of Gokicha!! is here! I'm really sorry for releasing this series' chapters in such a messed up order.